New Pharmacy Services Company to Bring Cost Savings and Enhanced Medication Management to Healthcare SAN FRANCISCO, Oct. 8, 2012 — Fillmore Capital Partners (FCP), a private investment company, today announced the formal launch of AlixaRx, a company that has been in development over the past four years. AlixaRx will provide comprehensive pharmacy services to post‐acute and numerous other healthcare settings. AlixaRx leverages cutting‐edge technology and advanced clinical pharmacist consulting to improve medication management for patients and deliver significant cost savings to the healthcare system. “The current medication management model for post‐acute care facilities in particular is inefficient, outdated, and too costly,” said Ron Silva, President and CEO of Fillmore Capital Partners. “AlixaRx will dramatically change the landscape of the healthcare community by providing all vital medications to patients on‐site, while reducing the cost of medications to the payer to a single unit dose cost.” AlixaRx will use full‐service regional pharmacy hubs, clinical pharmacists, automated dispensing machines, electronic medication cabinets, and advanced clinical software to meet the 24‐hour‐a‐day, seven‐day‐a‐week needs of patients and providers — transforming medication management to a science and a high‐quality benefit to all. AlixaRx’s board‐certified, geriatric‐specialty, clinical pharmacists will participate as an integral member of each client facility’s interdisciplinary care team to optimize drug therapy for patients and payers. Utilizing AlixaRx’s advanced technology platform, clinical pharmacists will have real‐time electronic access to the most current patient information. The goal:…

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